Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chicago Bears fan

11-25-10 Thanksgiving Thoughts
  Happy and all.  
I'm not a big sports fan but I have been a "sports hostage" in previous relationships so I do know a little something about basketball and football.  Lee, a coworker of mine, and I had been talking a while back about doing some cupcakes in a Chicago Bears design.  Instead of just doing regular cupcakes in blue and orange, like I did for the Greeen Bay Packers, I wanted to also add different flavors as well.  So I thought what would blue & orange flavors taste like...blueberries & orange.  I kept promising to make these cupcakes for months but I just couldn't figure out how to make blueberry cupcakes without them tasting like muffins.  Then I decided why not orange cupcakes instead?  Then it was time for the icing....blueberry.  I added the coloring and it was too light.  Then I added the blueberries and realized blueberries are more purple than blue.  I kept tasting the blueberry icing and it just didn't seem to have enough blueberry flavor.  The orange, in my opinion, seemed to over power the blueberry flavor. 
  I didn't want to keep adding blueberries to the icing because I was afraid eventually I wouldn't be able to pipe the icing through the bag.  So in order to get a stronger blueberry taste, I filled the middle with a blueberry filling.  Then off to work I went to give them to my "taste testers".

First the blueberry filling

Then to cap it off
Now to seal the top down and keep the filling inside.
The orange icing had the perfect orange taste & color.
Round 1 of the blueberry icing.
You can see a little blueberry trying to sneak out on the right side.
Every so often I had to remove a whole blueberry in order
to continue piping the design.
Then for the 2nd round of blueberry & orange rings.
Topped off with what else..... a blueberry
One big happy family.
You can see blueberries trying to peek out of the icing

1 comment:

Sherry said...