Monday, November 15, 2010


  Ok so I'm off for today in honor of Veterans Day.  Yes I know it was actually last week but some companies honor it on Mondays. 
  So since I was off I decided to make some cakebites.  The original recipe was done with red velvet cake but you can use any kind of cake.  I used, you guessed it.....chocolate cake.  I added some chocolate toffee bits to make it a little crunchy.  I suppose I could have used nuts but I prefer toffee.  I was going to make the cups in chocolate but I thought that would be too much chocolate...yes I said "too much chocolate".  You won't hear me say that very often.  So here's how they came out but the verdict is still out since I haven't taken them to my taste testers at work yet.  I'll post everyone's opinions tomorrow...
  11-20-10 So I forgot to follow up...sorry.  I ended up being very busy with new projects and orders this week and haven't had much time.  As for the cakebites they went over better than I thought.  The biggest dislike was the candy coating which was a bit hard because they were a little chilled.  I didn't refrigerate them, it's just that the weather is turning cold so the chocolates aren't as soft.  Nobody said they were too sweet inside which I didn't think they would since they were made out of cake.  Jennifer said she didn't get any  toffee but it was mixed into the whole recipe.  I didn't want to over do the toffee so she probably just didn't get a larger piece.  It was love at first bite for Nick.  He said..."I would pay for some of these".  And there was one other comment that um I shouldn't repeat for the public....(Latissa).  Over all they were well recieved and I have to agree about the hardness of the candy coating.  One of my testers left theirs at home (a very warm house) and said that he liked it MUCH BETTER once it was a little softer.
Chocolate cake bites set inside the mold.

I thought they showed up better on a black background.

So then I pulled them out.

These things are so cute and fun to make. (sorry my close up setting wasn't on)

And even though they're little, they pack a lot of bite.
Then I dipped the cakebites in pink candy.
 I thought it was kind of interesting to see a white chocolate cup inside a white paper cup. 
Next time it's going to be a chocolate cup for sure. 
Bit into it and you can see the toffee. (again sorry for the setting)

I tried to cut it in half but I didn't use a heated knife so I didn't get a clean cut.
The cakebites I saw had sprinkles on them but I never liked sprinkles.  To me they're like tasteless wax. 
 I topped mine with an M&M.  I think baby M&Ms would've looked time.

 So since I'm not a sprinkle fan I used some mini chocolate chips that I bought the other day. 
I never see some stuff like these mini chips until the holidays start rolling around. 
 I saw some red cherry chips that I almost bought.
I thought of using them as the topping instead of this pink candy.  Maybe next time?
With and without the paper cups.

Ok it looks like there are 3 missing but I swear I only ate 1 of them.

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