Saturday, August 21, 2010

CUP cakes

8-21-10 Birthday Candles 
  This is only my 2nd posting and I decided to change my profile picture to an actual picture of myself.
  I forgot to take a picture of my very first cake in a cup that I did for a coworker.  It was for Sonia's birthday.  I asked her what flavor cake and icing she liked and strawberries were her favorites for both the cake and icing.  I baked the cake in a large mug with the letter 'S' on it.  I tied a multicolored ribbon to the handle of the mug.  Since the icing on the cake was pink, I bought pink dinner ware and tied a pink knife, fork & spoon together with a pink ribbon.  I placed it in a pink gift bag with a black poka dot design and surrounded the mug with pink tissue paper so that the icing wouldn't touch the sides of the bag.  I sure wish I would've taken a picture of it!  Dismay  So anyway, Sonia shared it with a couple of coworkers and they all enjoyed it!  Latissa wanted one of them for herself.  I made sure I took pictures of hers but it wasn't for a birthday or any special occasion so it's not as impressive as Sonia's birthday CUP cake.  I thought I would post the pictures anyway.
  The following is how I layered the cake after I dumped it out of the mug I baked it in and cut it in half...Strawberry cheescake>Strawberry cake>Sliced strawberries>Strawberry cheescake>2nd half of Strawberry cake>Strawberry cheesecake & more sliced strawberries>THEN 1 big strawberry on top in the middle and iced with Strawberry icing.

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