Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oreo Truffle Christmas Tree

   I haven't done a lot of holiday specific creations this year.  I have been making different things but not for Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Today though, I finally had an opportunity to make a truffle Christmas tree that I've been wanting to make.  There was more that I wanted to add to the tree but I ran a little short on time.  Oh well, next time.  As for this tree, it was for Jimmy a friend of mine.  They were having a Christmas pot luck dinner where he works so it was the perfect opportunity to make something new.
Ok tree finished!  No need to take a picture of every row added. 
I just started from the top and worked my way down.

Then I added some extra oreo truffles around the base of the tree.

Now for the spice drops to decorate the tree with.  I wished that I had more
than 5 colors because it was kind of hard to get a variety of colors.
I ended up using the white, which I wasn't going to
 because I needed more variation.

Due to lack of time I didn't get to add the garland around this tree.  Definitely on the next one.
This was also my best photo.  I think I had the wrong settings for the other shots (including the ones I didn't use)
  I was having trouble posting this yesterday.  Jimmy said the truffles were a hit. 


Sherry said...

That turned out very well for your first one...

Aja said...

Ya, I was quite pleased with the way it turned out. I REALLY wished I would've had some popcorn to add the garland on the tree.