Monday, October 18, 2010

Chandra's Special Speakers

  Well I know it's been over a month since I posted anything but I have been kind of busy.  I made 5 of my Triple Strawberry Cakes In A Cup.  Those were the ones with the inside of a cup layered twice with strawberry cake then strawberry cheesecake and fresh strawberries.  Then the whole thing was topped with strawberry buttercream icing. Too much strawberry for me.....give me CHOCOLATE.  I've done them before but these were for Chandra a.k.a. Chan, a coworker of mine.  Chan was having a women's conference at her church and wanted something special for her speakers.  I also made one for Tiffany, another coworker, who was attending the conference on her birthday.   Birthday BalloonHAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY.

I loved these simple mugs!
Not only were they ergonomically correct but the small
hole was great for tieing a balloon or any other item.

This was the bottom layer of strawberry cake with
strawberry cheesecake & strawberries on top.

Then another layer of strawberry cake - strawberry cheesecake.

This shot shows the handle a little better.

Then for the topping.... not whipped cream.  It's strawberry buttercream  icing. 
That's why I called it a Triple Strawberry Cake.

This was my own little touch to the tag on
Tiffany's gift bag.

See this is one of those things other than a balloon
that the little hole was great for tieing things to.
Pink dinner ware.

Now to put it in the gift bag after I tie the balloon to the handle.

hApPy bIrTHdAy TIF

Couldn't quite get it all in on one shot.


 Each mug was done a little different than the next.  This was the first mug...
This was the 2nd mug...

This was the 3rd mug...
And this was the 4th mug.  I only had one picture of this one because the others were a little blurry...   Awww Shucks 

All four of the ladies received the same gift bags

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