Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Cupcakes

  Ok I know today isn't actually Valentine's Day but my coworker, Sophia, wanted to give cupcakes to all the little ones in her family.  I had a lot of designs running through my head so creating something for Valentine's Day was a piece of cake .... pun intended.  Personally I think the whole concept of the holiday should be an every day thing but that goes for most of the "big" holidays.  Every day should be Valentine's Day, Christmas, Mother's Day, etc., etc.. 
  Sophia wanted strawberry chocolate cupcakes.  I mentioned that I wouldn't be able to make them like the last ones, with the strawberry inside, because I wasn't sure if I could get good strawberries out of season.  My car was also being repaired and I didn't have the means to run all over town in search of fresh strawberries.  So we decided to just go with strawberry & chocolate cake.  I had extra ingredients when I finished so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to see the little cake I made as a bonus.
1st for the tiny cupcake hearts

This was actually the bottom and ....
... then I flipped them over so the tops would be on the bottom.
That's why I trimmed off the top so they would lay flat.

 Now for the regular cupcake.   This was my tester cupcake so I didn't waste a Valentine liner.
I didn't actually like the liners because I didn't think the design really showed up that clear after baking.
Now for the 2 to become 1

I like the way the chocolate lines lined up with each other. 
Maybe I should've been a match maker 

I tried to make both cupcakes in heart shapes but the bottom ones were too much trouble.

Now for the strawberry and chocolate icing.

These things were pretty tall.

Since this was my tester cupcake the lines on the right weren't perfect.
I had to go over it a 2nd time and it gave me a double line.

Guess I'll just have to eat it since the design wasn't piped right.

Peek A Boo

All done

I was going to make an edible topper but I wasn't going to have enough time.
I had the design drawn out too, a heart with an O & X on top.
