Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mother's Encouragement

  Ok I didn't post anything last week because I went back to work.  Although I didn't post anything I did create something new.  One of my coworkers, Chandra a.k.a. Chan, wanted to encourage her daughter.  Chan said her daughter liked toffee so I made a chocolate toffee heart shaped box filled with baby M&Ms.  I even had the perfect box to package it in.  At first I was a little frustrated because the chocolate lid came out of the mold just fine but as careful as I could possibly be, the bottom cracked when I tried to remove it from the mold.  It was getting late and I really didn't have the time or energy to mold the bottom a 3rd time.  I was so happy when I was able to remove it and it didn't crack Bounce

This was the lid to the box

Then I filled it with tissue paper to protect the
chocolate heart
The chocolate lid was perfect
Then after my 2nd attempt I was able to mold the bottom
You can see the little toffee bits in the chocolate
if you look closely
Now to make it really cute...lots of baby M&Ms 
Center stage
Cover with chocolate lid
Ready to go
One last peek....

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