Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Strawberries & Strawberry Cheesecake

8-22-10 (Happy Birthday DAD)
  I really liked the strawberries and strawberry cheesecake combination so since I had extra ingredients and will be going to my Mother's house tomorrow for a small dinner party, I thought I would try a new creation. I made Strawberry Cheesecake Cups. They're chocolate cups filled with strawberry cheesecake and a sliced strawberry. As usual, I had to try what I made before serving them to anyone else. I just can't offer something I've never made before without knowing for sure what it tastes like, even if I think it would be yummy. I thought the cups were good but they are a bit messy to eat. As soon as you bite into the cup it falls apart. But that's ok because I love to eat with my hands. Actually I just ate the remainder with a spoon and ate smaller pieces broken off with my hands. The hardest and most time consuming part about making the cups was when I would remove the chocolate from the molds after the chocolate set. I had about half a dozen that I had to remelt because they broke. Since the chocolate cups are so fragile it takes up more time if they break and have to be remelted. I'll make sure I leave PLENTY of time when I make them again.

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