Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dreamsicle Truffles

  I finally did the dreamsicle truffles that I've been wanting to make.  I think they really tasted like dreamsicles and based on everyone I gave them to, it was unanimous.  There were quite a number of people that tasted them and I also gave some to a friend to take to work.  Since I had so many truffles some people ate 2 but in all, approximately 20+ people tested them.  Some people liked the fact that they weren't chocolate......
 Girl eating chocolate HUH...not  chocolate!?

At this point they just look like a bunch of little orange playdough balls

 Not orange anymore

 Just a touch of color

 This one has a destiny with Mr knife...
I like this shot
Since I got a thumbs up on these truffles I've added to my list.
Currently I've made, and approved the following truffles...
Oreo cookie
Peanutbutter Toffee

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