Sunday, January 16, 2011

Butterscotch Truffles

  I know all these truffle pictures aren't all that impressive to look at but they sure are worth the eaten.  I made these last week and I was somewhat surprised at the comments.  I wasn't sure what to dip the butterscotch in, white chocolate or milk chocolate?  So I went with both so I could find out which worked better.  I made the chocolate ones first and I fell in love!  They were VERY rich and being the chocolate lover that I am, I didn't think I would enjoy the white chocolate truffles as much.  But after tasting the white chocolate truffles, it was a draw.  I made almost 3 dozen of each and I was pleasantly surprised at how many people liked the white ones as much, if not better, than the chocolate butterscotch truffles.  The feedback I received was ALMOST 50/50.  I think the white ones won out by a few truffles or so.  In fact I was so impressed with the results that one of my coworkers who didn't think she was going to like the white truffles actually ended up placing an order for 30 white butterscotch truffles.  Never assume huh?
Just a couple short of 6 dozen

Not all the truffles were cosmetically coated well but
they sure ALL tasted just fine.

Then for the white chocolate butterscotch batch

OK, now ya know I HAD to eat these two....right?

Chocolate Gift
Add it to my list of truffles
Orange Dreamsicles
Peanutbutter Toffee
Oreo Cookie

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dreamsicle Truffles

  I finally did the dreamsicle truffles that I've been wanting to make.  I think they really tasted like dreamsicles and based on everyone I gave them to, it was unanimous.  There were quite a number of people that tasted them and I also gave some to a friend to take to work.  Since I had so many truffles some people ate 2 but in all, approximately 20+ people tested them.  Some people liked the fact that they weren't chocolate......
 Girl eating chocolate HUH...not  chocolate!?

At this point they just look like a bunch of little orange playdough balls

 Not orange anymore

 Just a touch of color

 This one has a destiny with Mr knife...
I like this shot
Since I got a thumbs up on these truffles I've added to my list.
Currently I've made, and approved the following truffles...
Oreo cookie
Peanutbutter Toffee