11-30-10 Well tomorrow is December. One month left to 2011. Where did the year go?
After bringing the blueberry orange cupcakes to work, Cara another coworker, ordered some for the kids at her daycare & their parents. Again I struggled to get a "strong" blueberry flavor. I guess the orange is always going to overpower the blueberry flavor since it's such a strong flavor. I mean really, look at all the household cleaners that use orange or citrus in them. You NEVER see cleaners in blueberry do ya huh? I did get the blue darker though....can you say blue food gel. I asked Cara if I could put little chocolate footballs on top since these were originally made for the Chicago Bears. I'm still working on getting specific sports teams but it's hard to find when it involves "licensed" items. NFL, NBA, LOONEY TOONS, etc., will be a challenge if at all possible!? So here they are for all you Chicago Bears fans....
Since I wasn't filling these cupcakes and I like tall / big cupcakes,
I made some baby cupcakes first.
You wouldn't know it was so tiny from this shot.
It looks like a regular sized cupcake but .....
It's actually teeny tiny.
I iced the tiny cupcake so it would stay firm on top of the regular one.
The key to making this step successful isn't so much about attaching
the other cupcake but REMOVING THE LINER 
Now for round 1.
I didn't take shots of every round of icing piped.
I figured it was already seen in the previous post.
Now to "kick it off" with a chocolate football
I would have prefered a 3D football topper but they haven't arrived yet in the last order I placed.
And here's the whole gang.
What a team huh?
If you look really close at the tip of the football on the right you can see a little speck of peanut.
I made half plain & half peanut.
Thank you berry much Cara
orange you the greatest.
I know it was stupid ...
GO BEARS ..... |