Ok so I'm a little late with Latissa's house warming gift. Latissa, my coworker, wanted me to make her a cherry lemonade cupcake. I haven't quite mastered making "only one" cupcake so I made her a dozen and experimented with a cream filling in half of them. As I write...the verdict is still out on which ones she preferred. Anyway, while we were at work recently my mind came up with an idea that I thought would make a perfect house warming gift. A house made out of chocolate and her surprise cupcake inside. Part of the reason I was a little late with Latissa's gift was due to the fact that I had to order a house mold. No...Not HOUSE MOLD, a mold of a house
The house was made out of toffee chocolate. I whipped up a few peanut clusters with the extra toffee chocolate because I knew Latissa liked peanut clusters. I added her address (minus the Street) to give it an even more personal touch. Making tiny numbers using a toothpick was a challenge!!! The house wasn't as perfect as I would've liked but it was my very 1st house. I haven't mastered painting with chocolate just yet. It's really hard and time consuming to add multiple colors of chocolate. I just thought the windows and doors would stand out more if they were framed in another color. Latissa said she also liked white chocolate so white it was.
SO NOW IT'S TIME TO MOVE IN...Oh that's right, she's already moved.